Online Casino Craps Tag

Learn to Play Craps - an Introduction

Welcome to's introduction to the game of craps. You should start on this page if you haven't played before, and are curious about stepping up to the table. We'll cover the basics of what you should know before you learn to play craps. Some things you only need to be aware of to play at a land based casino, so if you're interested specifically in game-play, you can try your hand at online craps and do away with the superstitions of a real table. Unfortunately, one of the hardest things to get used to when you learn to play craps is the language used around the table.... More »

Craps Rules - The Pass Line Bet and Beyond

People looking for craps rules are usually trying to find out what bets they can make, and when and how to make them. To learn to play the game however, it's essential to get a bit of a grasp of the process of craps. Rules will seem intuitive after that (to a point). The central process in craps is known as the session. It's easy to play the game of craps based entirely around the shooters session. It's important to understand though, that the players session is just a bit of what's going on, and once we known the game we can bet on whatever we think might happen with the dice next,... More »