
Winning Blackjack Strategies

Although knowing what basic strategy is and how to use it in blackjack is essential, it's not the whole picture. You will feel a lot more comfortable playing your hand if you understand a bit about the game. Blackjack strategy beyond the charts and tables includes aspects such as bankroll management, systematic approaches, learning to use your gut, and knowing what not to do. Manage Your Bankroll Let's start with bankroll management, as it is likely the most important thing to think about. Of course most people want to jump right into card counting, the system of systems. But you won't... More »

Winning Slot Machine Strategies

It was much easier to win in the old days when the slot machines were not as technically advanced and cheat-proof. It allowed for many strategies to come about - not necessarily the most honest but nonetheless, they were ways of winning and that's all that counts, right? Given the strict rules of casino games today, it has become a much more difficult task to come up with a working strategy. As each game was introduced at the casinos, although it was thoroughly thought through to guarantee a profit for the house, it still needed to be tested by the public. As is the case with anything... More »

Craps Rules - The Pass Line Bet and Beyond

People looking for craps rules are usually trying to find out what bets they can make, and when and how to make them. To learn to play the game however, it's essential to get a bit of a grasp of the process of craps. Rules will seem intuitive after that (to a point). The central process in craps is known as the session. It's easy to play the game of craps based entirely around the shooters session. It's important to understand though, that the players session is just a bit of what's going on, and once we known the game we can bet on whatever we think might happen with the dice next,... More »